Friday, 22 June 2007

Globe Warming

"I've been working on this science-fiction novel about a biker in a futuristic world..." confided one budding author to another
"Oh yeah? How does it start like?" asked the nonchalant guy opposite him.
"It goes 'And from below the glowing horizon, rose a giant globe of fire and spite - What once used to be yellow, was now white!' Whaddaya think?"
"Oh really! The white Sun?"


Anonymous said...

i think i might use the line to start off my s-f novel

'And from below the glowing horizon, rose a giant globe of fire and spite - What once used to be yellow, was now white!'

Pure Genius!

Anonymous said...

if i ever write one, that is

Eeshan Malhotra said...

I'm would've sued you over copyright infringement if it hadnt been for the "genius" bit. only goes to show how far flattery can get you ;)

Geetika said...

"whoa" that s all i get?..hmmm..expected some encouragement/criticism from u rhyme too