Saturday, 19 May 2007

Rolling stones...

The king of China's court is silent and tense. Suddenly, the door bangs open and Lee rides in on a bike. The king glares at him with contempt. All the courtiers are enraged at the blasphemy and chant "Kill him! Stone him!".
"This unacceptable! In my court, you riding!" the king demands
" I explain", Lee blubbers out
courtiers continue to chant "Kill him! Stone him!"
The king raises a hand, and says "Silence. First hear Lee. Then we stone."


Rtinkslinger said...

is the grass greener in China , that you write of their land, or is out of your fetish for Chinki men :P

now for the fatta:
Q> Why was there no silence even the king asked for it?
A> Bike ka silencer kharab tha :P

Rohit Kapur said...

I'm being honest here; I can't think of anything to say other than that I expect this sort of stuff from you. . .
